Hello and welcome to my website! I’m Mary McIntyre, an Oxfordshire based amateur astronomer, astrophotographer, speaker, author and podcast co-host who has had a life-long interest in Astronomy.

I moved to rural Oxfordshire in 2011 where my husband Mark and I have a garden observatory. Most of the pictures on my site were taken in our garden, with a few exceptions which were taken from Astrofarm in France or whilst on holiday in Wales or Dorset.
I am passionate about astronomy outreach and I’ve been giving talks on Astronomy and Astrophotography since 2015 to a mixture of camera clubs, astronomy societies, local schools and Scouts groups, as well as running astronomy sketching workshops. I love sharing my knowledge and experience, so if you are interested in booking me to speak please check out my talks list page by clicking here and then use the Booking Form to contact me.
Don’t forget to check out my image galleries. You can buy prints of some of my astronomy photographs and astronomy sketches in my online shop, along with my hand-made jewellery. To visit my shop click here.
I have a You Tube channel dedicated to astronomy as well as separate channels for my art/craft and music activities. I also have a blogger page where I occasionally share helpful articles – the links to all my socials are below.
Follow me on social media:
Facebook: marymcintyreastronomy
Twitter: @spicey_spiney
Flickr: spicey_spiney
Instagram: spiceyspiney
Mastodon: MaryMcIntyreAstro@astrodon.social
Blue Sky: @marymcintyreastro.bsky.social
You Tube (Astro): Mary McIntyre FRAS
You Tube (Bass): Mary McIntyre Bass
You Tube (Art & Craft): Mary McIntyre Art and Craft
Some of my Popular Astronomy Articles
Click on the titles to view
Lunar X & V + Other Popular Clair Obscur Effects – Times for 2023
Features of the Sun and How to Observe and Image them
Lunar Features
Understanding Moon Phases
How Super is a “Supermoon?”
Astronomical Distances
Understanding Planetary Observation Terminology
Sundogs: The Fact and the Fiction
Noctilucent Clouds
To see more of my articles about astronomy, covering a wide range of topics, visit my astronomy and science blog page here.
The Collins Stargazer’s Bible (The Backyard Stargazer’s Bible in the USA/Canada) by Mary McIntyre, Ian Ridpath and Rachel Federman with foreward by Richard Marran is now available to buy in the UK, USA and Canada. Available from Amazon and all good bookshops!